MTA News
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Dove Bill Rally Takes Place
Posted By – Gary Schinske @ 8:48 am EDT
—– Original Message —–
From: U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance
To: U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance News Release
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 8:36 AM
Subject: U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance News for Immediate Release
U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance
801 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, OH 43229
Ph. 614/888-4868 • Fax 614/888-0326
Website: www.ussportsmen.org • E-mail: [email protected]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Doug Jeanneret (614) 888-4868 x 212
November 4, 2003 Beth Ruth (614) 888-4868 x 214
rolex cellini m50525 0009 mens 39mm nail factory automaticSportsmen Storm Capitol in Support of Michigan Dove Bill
(Columbus) – Over 1,000 sportsmen descended upon Lansing this morning in support of dove hunting. The Michigan Hunting Rights Campaign, a coalition of sportsmen’s organizations developed to pass House Bill 5029, the dove-hunting bill, coordinated the rally.
The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance recently helped organize the Michigan Hunting Rights Campaign.
Sportsmen gathered to hear conservation leaders and legislators speak about the benefits a dove season would bring to Michigan and will meet with legislators as a demonstration of support for dove hunting.
“Turkey hunters, bowhunters, trappers, houndsmen and others who believe strongly in the advancement of their outdoor heritage united and turned out in force for the rally,” said Rick Story, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance senior vice president and a featured rally speaker. “Today’s events including the impressive sportsmen’s rally and the movement of the dove bill thus far are proof positive that sportsmen are an active constituency and that they have a powerful voice in the legislature.”
Other speakers included Rob Keck, CEO of the National Wild Turkey Federation.
“Preservation of our hunting heritage is key to conservation and we see the dove as a major part of our hunting heritage,” said Keck. “But this bill we’re rallying behind today isn’t just about doves. It’s about our time-honored hunting traditions. I’m not asking you to take up dove hunting. I’m asking you to support the future of hunting for everyone’s sake. Protecting our freedom is at the heart of being an American. I urge you to take a stand in support of this bill and make your voice heard.”
The Michigan Hunting Rights Campaign members include Commemorative Bucks of Michigan, Huron Pointe Sportsmen’s Association, Michigan Bear Hunters Association, Michigan Bow Hunters Association, Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners, Michigan Hunting Dog Federation, Michigan State Chapter of the NWTF, Michigan State United Coonhunters Association, Michigan Trappers Association, the National Rifle Association and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance.
Conservation clubs that want to become part of the Michigan Hunting Rights Campaign should contact the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance at (888) 930-4868 for more information.
The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers nationally in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website, www.ussportsmen.org.
Saturday, April 26, 2003
Maryland Trappers Assoc. Request
Dear Friend;
You have received numerous emails from Pete & Ron in the past not asking for anything, other than for you to take the time to pick up the phone or a pencil and contact some legislators with your thoughts on why trapping is so important. Some of you had asked if you could send a donation to help the Maryland Fur Trappers, which we told you no and that MFTA was fine and they would ask for help when it was needed.
Now MFTA is asking for financial help.
If you can help MFTA now, you are ultimately investing in your own future!
We can not bore you with details, but we can tell you that your future is in our plans!
So if you can make a donation, MFTA & your future in trapping will greatly appreciate it.
Please read the following request made by MFTA and help as much as you can!
Maryland trappers have been fighting for their survival for many years.
——— After battling the HSUS, Fund for Animals, etc., we have never asked for any financial assistance from outside of Maryland until now.
There is a plan in place and we need your immediate financial assistance in order continue.
Despite the overwhelming odds against us, we have proven that a small group of determined volunteer trappers can defeat the slick, animal rights machine 3 years in a row. The knowledge we have gained will ultimately benefit trappers everywhere. It is time for trappers to take the offense. The tide is turning; help us beat them at their own game. Your future of hunting and trapping will depend on it!
Maryland Fur Trappers Inc.
Are Asking for financial help!
After three years of battling HSUS with no financial HELP!
We now need immediate financial assistance in order to continue.
PLEASE send contributions to: Maryland Fur Trappers, Inc.,
c/o Legislative Defense Fund (Please put this in the memo section of your check.)
Send To: Dan Tucker, Treasurer
6093 Blue Stone Circle
Frederick, MD 21701
Alfred Bradford, MFTA President at 410-957-0183
Respectfully helping the trapping trade!
Pete & Ron
Pete & Ron
[email protected]
Phone 301-432-8480
Fax 301-432-8715
Posted By – Sy @ 3:33 am EDT
The focus of this program is to assist landowners with problem or potentially damaging furbearers during regular fur taking seasons. Our goal is to link local, licensed, ethical trappers with landowners looking to control populations of fur bearing animals. This is designed to be a free-of-charge mutual benefit situation between the landowner and the trapper. If there is any need to have problem animals dealt with out of regular fur taking seasons there could be a charge for animal damage control work by a licensed animal damage control trapper.
Many landowners who rear upland game birds, waterfowl or are bird watchers realize that fur bearing animals have a huge impact on survival of bird populations. Waterfront property owners can have problems with muskrats or beaver damaging banks or destroying wooded areas, and livestock owners often lose young animals to wild canine predation.
Having furbearer populations trapped during regular fur taking season can and does have a noticeable impact on survival of birds, livestock, and other property damage the following year. Even larger impacts are seen over a 3 year period.
To qualify for this program you must own the land you’d like to have trapped. If you lease the property we need the landowner to contact us.
An appointed MTA liaison will follow up with the landowner after the trapper is finished and there will be an email address and phone number for the landowner to contact the MTA liaison if any problems occur.
If you would be interested in having a local trapper contact you on solutions for your property please email:
Or call:
Chris at (616) 681-2167
We are still looking for licensed, ethical trappers to cover the entire Lower Peninsula area. Unfortunately we can make no guarantee that there is a local trapper near your property to assist your furbearer population control needs.